Allison Sagraves

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Applied Serendipity: Nov. 5

A look at how I’ve used Applied Serendipity in my own life lately:

CARE: Caring about the end of daylight savings time, the shorter days, and how to prioritize getting outside in the daylight. 

PREPARE: Set up studio in the main cabin to record videos for upcoming American Bankers Association class Building an Enterprise Data Program at Your Bank. Fun to have a production studio in the forest. 

AWARE: Noticing that I need to order my holiday bulbs asap - paperwhite narcissus and amaryllis - so that they will bloom in time!

SHARE: Celebrated Greg’s birthday with our family and had my postponed retirement-from-M&T dinner with wonderful colleagues. Occasions to remember. 

DARE: Jumped in and recorded several of the videos for the data class - learned a new skill!