Applied Serendipity: July 17

A look at how I’ve used Applied Serendipity in my own life lately:

CARE: I’ve become interested in the Taoist concept of Wu Wei, or effortless action as it is sometimes described. It in essence means going with the flow, not forcing things. Think of how water flows in a creek - moving around rocks and continuing on, taking the path of least resistance yet still flowing. I love this metaphor as a way of living - it’s powerful, organic, strategic, and flexible. 

PREPARE: I made these flower crowns for a friend’s 30-60-90 party - my friend turned 60, her daughter turned 30, and her mother-in-law turned 90 this year so they had a party. We placed these crowns on their heads! I love preparing beautiful things from nature and look forward to wearing flower crowns this summer.  

SHARE: Greg and I visited our daughter in New York and celebrated her birthday with her friends. Loved hanging out with her Gen Z and Millennial crowd. They’re optimistic, open, tolerant, and funny. And they have good taste in music - the playlist skewed parents’ era!  

AWARE: While in NYC, we saw the Georgia O’Keefe exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art. I was struck by her early works on paper and their groundbreaking and radical modernism. Why was she not discussed more in my 20th century art history class? 

DARE: Shared some bold views on a few recent podcasts, interviews, and articles which I will be posting in the coming weeks. Interested in your feedback! 


Applied Serendipity: July 27


Sagraves Joins Anaptyss as Board Advisor