Applied Serendipity: Feb. 15
CARE: Buffalo is in the Path of Totality for the Total Eclipse of the Sun on April 8th - I’m working on an experiment to see how my honeybees respond to total darkness in mid-afternoon. Coming full circle with my Citizen Science roots that I talked about in my TED talk.
PREPARE: I’ve spent the last month and a half with data leaders around the country learning from the best on the latest in AI. Lots of preparation for the webinar I’m doing tomorrow on Latest Trends in AI for Banking and Financial Services. Will be sharing shortly!
AWARE: Learning more about the importance of our microbiome to our mental and physical health. Trust your gut!
SHARE: I met my team at Carnegie Mellon this week. They’re working on an enterprise data strategy for one of the largest tech companies in the world. It was inspiring to meet data leaders from around the world, participate in a panel discussion, and catch up with my fellow coaches and faculty. The team at Carnegie Mellon has built a strong community and continues to provide the latest experts and training in data and AI. Check it out and join our next cohort!
DARE: Challenging myself to really up my game in walking—daring to try new parks wherever we travel, and daring to walk to some places I used to drive!