Applied Serendipity: Sept. 22
CARE: Excited to be working with graduate students in the Masters of Information Systems Management at Carnegie Mellon—helping a new generation of leaders move society forward.
PREPARE: The Autumn Equinox is here… planting and sowing time. Planting bulbs this week—Mount Everest Allium, Bearded Iris, and Crocus among others—and gathering and spreading seed from my native plants.
SHARE: Honored to be part of the Selection Committee for The Wilmers Integrity Prize. Our Committee just met to begin the final review process—check out the innovative and impactful work some of our applicants are doing to improve life in communities across the country. More to come soon!
AWARE: The second year of my orchard—I enjoyed a pear this week! I’m becoming aware of how vulnerable our food supply is to nature’s unpredictability. A brief hard frost at just the wrong moment can wipe out a crop.
DARE: I dared to deliver my raw honey orders in person in New York City!