Allison Sagraves

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Applied Serendipity: March 10

A look at how I’ve used Applied Serendipity in my own life lately:

CARE: Concerned about the economy and the potential failure of Silicon Valley Bank. We've not had a major bank failure since Dodd-Frank. One of my earlier roles in banking was to develop a resolution plan for regulators for the bank I worked for. This was a Dodd-Frank era new requirement for large banks to create these detailed plans to facilitate unwinding in the event of potential failure. I’m interested to see if indeed the work banks did on these plans—should Silicon Valley Bank fail—facilitates a more orderly resolution process that minimizes disruption and loss of value.

PREPARE: Have advanced my work on Reinventing the Chief Data Officer Role, and the importance of change management and building a sustainable data culture. Will be sharing on upcoming podcasts and other forums in the next few months.

SHARE: Loved the creative collaboration of Stitch Buffalo and the Buffalo Gardens. Shown here is a display of hand-stitched birds under the spectacular Palm Dome.

AWARE: Interested in the Swedish concept of lagom, or enough—aka Goldilocks' catch phrase. Much of our satisfaction comes from enjoying what we have—this is of special relevance in my Act II. Would love to hear from you on this. Do you practice this and/or do you think it could bring more satisfaction to your life?

DARE: Encouraging everyone in my talks and elsewhere to dare to #BeTheBoldestYou. It's something I have been leaning towards, and it’s created #appliedserendipity connections. To paraphrase Dolly Parton, we act when our desire is greater than our fear.