Applied Serendipity: June 15

A look at how I’ve used Applied Serendipity in my own life lately:

CARE: One of my friends has long COVID and is participating in a Long Haul COVID Clinical Trial. As part of the trial, he is required to consume a teaspoon of raw honey, as well as organic molasses and apple cider vinegar. He’s using the honey from my hives - and he told me this week he is feeling better. Would have never thought my honey would be part of a clinical trial! 

PREPARE: The Buffalo AKG Art Museum has reopened with its magnificent new wing. This expansion has largely been possible by a major gift from Jeffrey Gundlach, Buffalo native and The Bond King of Wall Street. This recent Q&A in the Buffalo News was moving. He talked about the multiplier effect of doing things for the community vs the diminishing returns of collecting paintings just for yourself. And his inspiration from Gordon Smith, the director of the museum some time ago, who talked about “Courageous Buffalo” and making things as good as they can be. Gundlach has raised the bar for what can be done in Buffalo. It’s an exciting time to live in this community. 

SHARE: I’ve been watching a young British YouTube rocker who analyzes songs on his channel. What I’ve been most struck by is how reverent he is when he plays artists from earlier eras - Patsy Cline, Glen Campbell, Roy Clark. The look on his face of sheer appreciation of their talent is joyful to see, and it’s caused me to think about how I can cultivate an attitude of appreciation in more aspects of my life. 

AWARE: Greg and I visited the Delaware Park Rose Garden in its peak month in June, an immersive experience. Designed in the style of a French parterre garden, the garden has footpaths you can walk and truly stop and smell all of the roses. Inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s recent book Life in Five Senses, I’m more aware of the environments around me.  

DARE: I dared to submit a piece for a major publication - it will be out shortly and posted here.


Sagraves Published in Harvard Business Review


Applied Serendipity: June 8