Allison Sagraves

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Applied Serendipity: Feb. 21

A look at how I’ve used Applied Serendipity in my own life lately:

CARE: Thinking about President Carter this week as he is in hospice care. I had the privilege to serve as a White House Intern in 1980 and then became part of his White House staff while on my semester in Washington. My job was to help prepare and catalog all the documents and memos that crossed his desk - legislative bills, memos, requests to make phone calls, meeting preparation materials. I learned so much. After he lost the 1980 election, he was interested to learn about how his documents were catalogued so I got to give him a computer demonstration. This picture shows the agenda. A highlight of my life.

PREPARE: Added some food to the beehives this week on a warm day - March is expected to be cold. All four hives are doing well.

SHARE: Had a delicious lunch at Amira's Kitchen with a good friend. Amira's Kitchen is run by a grandmother from Jerusalem - she and her husband cook all of the food.

AWARE: Lent begins tomorrow - I recommend Kate Bowler's Lenten reflections. They inspire both those observing this as a religious season and those seeking deeper meaning in their spiritual practice.

DARE: Expanding my client base to new offerings and new regions globally - daring to act has led to exciting and unexpected opportunities.