Allison Sagraves

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Sagraves Featured on Catalog and Cocktails Podcast

Allison Sagraves joined the Catalog and Cocktails Podcast from to talk about the relationship between data engineers and business teams and how the two can work together.

Episode Description

Think back to when you were first learning to swim. How’d you do it? Chances are, you weren’t thrown into the ocean being circled by sharks. We sure hope not, anyway. 

You probably picked it up under the watch of a lifeguard in most cases.But once it became second nature, the lifeguard didn’t hold SO much power. Well, data engineers are the lifeguard, and if there isn’t a checks and balances system between them and the business teams, the engineers will be determining your every move in AND out of the water.

Join Catalog & Cocktails hosts Juan and Tim, with special guest Allison Sagraves as they discuss how you get in the water by yourself without drowning.